By : @TheBlogFAZ | Buy Martian Merch ™
Buy Martian Merch ™ & NinEleven ™ have been creating planetary projects since 2020.
Our #MoodMusic series was created to inspire MARTIAN Masses across the galaxy during the 2020 pandemic.
Throughout a time of so much uncertainty, we brought to the virtual studio (#VirtualStu) our personal experiences, opinions, and vision for how to give something back.
2020 felt like it did nothing but take month after month.
However, the DYNAMO COLLABO Buy Martian Merch ™ & NinEleven ™ was determined to give back to a community that had supported our endeavors for so long.
These audible gifts of appreciation meant to soothe, calm, and provoke inspiration were digitally created, packaged and delivered from March 2020-December 2020 | 7 ALBUMS in 9 Months. (CLICK HERE TO PREVIEW & PURCHASE)
In 2022, we found that many were still struggling in the aftermath of the pandemic, and we created an inspirational album Planetary Pain : Push Thru.
This album has undertones of low-fi sounds coupled with inspirational affirmations.
It then circles back around and repeats that sentiment in an upbeat expression meant to tell the listener :
yes, it is hard but you've got what it takes to push through and succeed regardless.
The next album coming down the pipe for 2022 is Planetary Power. We are still ironing out the vision in the #VirtualStu but we have a sneak preview of the artwork for our MARTIANS (and our ASTROnauts).

Until we have that new audible addiction ready for your listening pleasure, indulge in the Buy Martian Merch ™ Spotify page.